It's times like these that make me ashamed to be in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We've got a bunch of clowns running for headmaster politician. I thought I'd tell you all what I think of these characters.
On the Republican side:
Billy Harper: Seems like a nice guy that has some decent ideas. He needs to get the marbles out of his mouth.
Anne Northup: Commie Liberal masquerading as a Republican. She's beginning to sound like a broken record. Why not talk about some ideas rather than talking about our wonderful Governator Ernie.
Ernie Fletcher: What happened? His whole campaign strategy is basically, "I will roll over and die if anyone tries to criticize me." His TV campaign commercial is terrible. He's not even trying anymore.
Democrat side:
Otis Hensley Jr: When he becomes governor I hope he hires his plastic bull to be his communications director.
Bruce Lunsford: Wealthy businessman wants to bankrupt Kentucky by implementing Universal Health Care.
Jonathan Miller: Also wants to bankrupt Kentucky. He was the brainchild of the ill-conceived KAPT.
Jody Richards: Wimpy wishy washy Jody has no chance of becoming Governor. One of the most least inspiring candidates to run for governor. Will not take a hard-line stance on any important issues. Needs to invest in better hair dye.. hair club for men dye isn't cutting it.
Steve Beshear: A loser with no innovative ideas.
Gatewood Galbraith: Machine gun toting, weed smoking, magic mushroom ingesting candidate has better ideas than the rest of the Democrap field.
Steve Henry: Husband of Miss America believes that his omnipotent powers from being a former doctor is better than the free-market. He plans to fix health care much like Ky Kare fixed the Commonwealth's insurance problems.
There you have it. Quite an lackluster field. I should have stayed on the road instead of coming back to this great Commonwealth of Kentucky.