Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another session=Another waste of tax dollars

Once again, the Kentucky General Assembly has ended another session and accomplished little. Many bills died because of gridlock between the House and the Senate. Actually, gridlock is good because that means many bad bills will never be enacted into law. However, once again, pansy Gov. Ernie Fletcher is threatening to call a special session. As you may recall, a few years ago there was a constitutional amendment on the ballot that was touted by House Speaker Jody Richards as a way to eliminate special sessions. The amendment called for the implementation of odd year short sessions. In a move that still leaves me scratching my head, Kentucky voters approved this measure. Yet, our ever-wise politicians still can't get their act together and insist on special sessions that cost KY taxpayers $60,000 a day.

Hopefully, when these clowns in the House and Senate are up for re-election Kentuckians will do the right thing. Let's throw the bums out and give some new people a chance. In fact, let's implement a one term limit so we don't have idiots like Jody Richards in office for decades. Let's see if any politician has the guts to put that type of constitutional amendment on the ballot. People should be sick and tired of Kentucky's old, bloated and sometimes senile politicians.


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