Thursday, October 26, 2006

School Vouchers: Spawned from Beelzebub?

The mere utterance of the word "voucher" seems to spawn a fear deep down in the hearts of militant teachers union members. If one listened to members of the Kentucky Education Association he might conclude that voucher proponents dabbled in the occult. For instance, the KEA recently retracted their endorsement of 1oth district Senator Elizabeth Tori because Tori simply said that she supported a pilot project that would explore to use of school vouchers. The basic reason that the KEA is scared of vouchers is because of competition. More competition means that poorly performing teachers would be more likely to lose their jobs.

The KEA's tactics of demonizing supporters of vouchers are usually backed by strong emotions rather than hard facts or common sense. Think about it. Competition makes our lives better in every aspect. Because of competition we are able to receive goods and services at a lower cost and of better quality. How is the field of education any different?

One day I hope that the liver-lilied politicians in Kentucky will pass school choice legislation. Give it a shot. See what happens.


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