Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jody Richards: Friend of the KEA and Enemy of the Taxpayer

The Lexington Herald-Leader's Pol Watchers blog reports that KEA President Frances Steenbergen has bestowed House Speaker and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jody Richards as a "friend of the KEA."

KEA President Frances Steenbergen presented the award to Richards, citing him for his work in the legislature, specifically Richards' resistance to a plan offered by the state Senate that would have changed the state employees retirement system.

"At no other time in my tenure as president has another legislator been out on a limb for you and me and other employees," Steenbergen said.

Hello? The Senate's retirement overhaul plan WOULD NOT affect current or retired state employees. Shouldn't Frances and her fellow union cronies support an overhaul that would help secure their future retirement benefits? Speaker Richards proved that he is an enemy of the taxpayer because he refused to even sit down and discuss a proposed pension overhaul with Senate leaders. So, being a "friend of the KEA" isn't saying much.


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