A vast right wing conspiracy in Kentucky?
During tonight's KET Democrat gubernatorial debate, Jody Richards dismissed the Senate's pension overhaul plan as a right wing ploy by Grover Norquist and ALEC. Ok, Speaker Richards, how exactly to you propose that the state reforms its pension system? I have heard no feasible solution whatsoever come out of Speaker Richards' mouth. Pumping more money into a overly generous pension system will not result in a better system. If something is not done soon, then, eventually all Kentuckians will have to pay higher taxes in order to pay for state employee and legislator pensions. Here's a fine question: How much do legislators receive in pensions? Unfortunately, no one knows the answer since those records are protected under the Kentucky Retirements System. That info should be public.
Great points. Until we get more normal people involved in primary voting, we will have politicians ignoring the rest of us and preaching to the state employees and teachers unions.
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